Ayurveda Herbs for Obesity

Statistics show that people of developed countries are getting plumpier. Even in developing countries like India, Brazil etc also one can find obesity on the rise. Whatever the reasons be, Ayurveda can help in reducing weight. It takes into account the person’s mental make up and physical conditions. The whole person is treated.

BMI or body mass index is used for calculating obesity. It is the ratio of weight in kilograms and height in metres. Obese people have a BMI of more than 30. Ideal would be 22 to 25.

Doctors consider lack of physical activity and intake of high calorie fast foods to be the two main reasons for obesity.

Ayurveda texts stress the following to prevent obesity in the first place. For those who are already obese, change of life style and adapting a strict regimen of dietary restrictions can surely bring about a steady reduction in weight.

  1. Correct and intelligent selection of food. All psychological addictions and cravings should be dealt with strictly.
  2. Green gram should be added to daily diet instead of other pulses. (This is meant mainly for Indians).
  3. Should avoid intake of sweets, salty or oily foods.
  4. Use buttermilk instead of curd.
  5. Drink warm water always.
  6. Gooseberry or amla powder can help reduce obesity.
  7. Takrarishta (a fermented preparation from buttermilk) helps in control of obesity.
  8. Triphala choorna can be taken ideally at bedtime.
  9. Take Musta, Guduchi (has good antineoplastic activity) or Triphala mixed with honey.

Other guidelines:

  1. Regular exercise at least 30 minutes per day.
  2. Avoid afternoon siesta.
  3. Walk vigorously for 30 minutes to 1 hour per day, either in the morning or evening.
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