Theory of Ayurveda Part 2

Ayurveda’s approach to disease is a wholistic one. An ayurveda practitioner’s first job is finding out why a person has a given symptom. This he does by delving deep into the patient’s nature and discovering the underlying cause. He finds out the prakrithi of the patient, the forces that have been imbalanced, and the ways to balance them. Thus he helps in re-establishing harmony, not just appeasement of symptoms.

Diagnosis in ayurveda is called nidaanam. This includes interpreting the pulse of the patient, probing deeper by asking appropriate questions etc. Thus the vaidya or the practitioner finds out which of the doshas have aggravated and plans his treatment accordingly. Changes in diet, lifestyle, and a strict observation of dietary restrictions are a must for long lasting and deeply healing recovery.

Ayurveda texts describe ways to pacify the aggravated doshas. Once the aggravations are pacified, normalcy is restored. The patient is then advised to follow the new lifestyle according to his prakrithi (constitution) to help maintain the harmony established.

The two basic tenets of Ayurveda are
1. Maintain harmony where there is harmony.
2. Re-establish harmony where harmony is lost.

The first tenet lays emphasis on prevention. Prevention is better than cure. This is easier.The second tenet is for those who do not know how to maintain the harmony and have lost it. Disharmony results in disease. Ayurveda strives to re-establish this harmony and thus bring about cure.

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